CSC2023 - [Forensics] - Bad Signals


Challenge Description

Team RootXRAN got this capture file from person who likes rock music. They don't know what to do with this file. Can you help them in finding secret.


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Protocol Hierarchy shows that most of the packets are related to 802.11 wireless

Also there is a handshake in the capture file

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Extract bssid from one packet

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aircrack-ng -w rockyou.txt -b 54:B1:21:26:9D:38 forensics.cap

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Password is banana123

Decrypting Traffic

We would use airdecap-ng to decrypt the traffic

Check packets for essid CYBERSLEUTH - 1337

airdecap-ng -e "CYBERSLEUTH - 1337" forensics.cap -p banana123 -o decryptedtraffic.cap

Open decryptedtraffic.cap in wireshark

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