

CSC2023 - [Crypto] - DisorderedPuzzle

Easy challenge related to transposition cipherRead More →

CSC2023 - [Crypto] - Save The World

Easy challengeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Crypto] - Secure Me

Easy challenge related to rotationsRead More →

CSC2023 - [Crypto] - Student Life

Easy challengeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Forensics] - Bad Signals

Wifi CrackingRead More →

CSC2023 - [Forensics] - RecoverQR

QRRead More →

CSC2023 - [Pwn] - Feed Me

Hard challengeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Pwn] - Slinky Strings

Medium challengeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Pwn] - Switch

Easy challengeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Stegno] - Advertisement

Conversion with header changeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Stegno] - PipPipPop

Morse CodeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Stegno] - TwinImages

Conversion with header changeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Web] - Case Proxy

SSRF challengeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Web] - Feedback

Easy challengeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Web] - ServerOverflow

Path Traversal challengeRead More →

CSC2023 - [Web] - SSCIT Web Scanner

Hard challenge Argument InjectionRead More →

Writeups 2023 © RootxRAN.