CSC2023 - [Pwn] - Switch


Challenge Description

some sort of switching is possible. Don't know where it is possible


First of all in the binary we would check its protections

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NX is enabled we can not execute shellcode in stack

Good thing is that there is No PIE which means we can move to other functions using ret2win technique

Lets run the binary and check its behaviour

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It takes input from user and manipulates his age

let us give it large input to check if there is condition of buffer overflow

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When we have given it large input then segmentation fault occurred which shows that there is buffer overflow At this point we need to find offset after which we would overwrite the return address

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Offset is 56

we need to check other functions in the binary to which we would move

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lets check win function

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there is a syscall execve which takes /bin/sh as first argument in rdi which shows that it would directly give us shell

so we have to all the things to make a script for getting a shell


from pwn import *
elf = context.binary = ELF('./switchpwn')
io = process()
payload = cyclic(56) + pack(


Finally we got shell

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